#16: Baby love

I do not have a picture of the angels about which I will be mentioning here, but they are all under two, have beautiful semi-toothless grins, and made my evening a whole lot brighter.

Baby #1: Christine…I am thankful for Christine because of her own freewill she decided to come and sit with me instead of one of the other five people who were beckoning her. I am thankful that she is the daughter of an American from New Jersey, because her mom and I have really great conversation. I am thankful that she is learning to talk, because her babbling makes everyone smile. I am thankful for her smile because even at one and a half, she is alter to smile with her eyes too.

Baby #2: Angeline…I am thankful for Angeline because she is less than a year, but loves to play peek a boo, loves to dance, loves too bounces, and is super light. I am thankful that her mom is a very sweet young lady who I have no doubt is a great mom because she has a great sense of humor. I am thankful that Angeline wanted to dance with me, sit with me, and smile with me.

Baby #3: Jayden…I am so thankful for Jayden tonight; he was God’s gift to make me feel wanted and important. During an evening prayer service, he came and asked to sit with me, sitting quietly for a while. After the service finished, he came back to me, asking me to carry him. I held him tight as he snuggled into my arms. There are days when so much is going on that I feel like I get lost in the crowd, but this little guy reminded me that I am loved. He stuck with me for quite some time, resting his head on my shoulder. I am so thankful for the reminder of the unconditional way that children love and trust those who are known to them. I am also thankful for Jayden because I see him when I study with his mother twice a week, having lots of fellowship time too. And he also reminds me to be thankful for his sister…another snuggler 12 years older who loves hugs.

I am thankful for each of these babies reminding me that I am valuable and with loving…God’s message to me today.

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