Delicate-ness of snow


It’s scenes like this, where the fresh snow gently rests on every tree branch, every power line and completely covers the grass- scenes like this bring me such joy and excitement because they remind me of two things. Firstly, it reminds me of when I was little and we would wake up to new snow during the holidays and I knew that we would have all day to play in it. More recently,I have come to appreciate the verses in the Bible where either David or Isaiah talk about when God forgives our sins, He cleanses us like snow. It really should say that we’re white like freshly fallen snow. There’s also a certain delicate-ness or a fragility about snow too that make it all the more beautiful.

Thank God for forgiveness and SNOW!


Tea for two:)


My longest standing friend (22 YEARS) and I sat at a little tea house a couple days ago, and these are the little tea pots and cups we were served. It was delightful, giving me MANY reasons to be thankful…

…for friendship that has lasted all but five years of my life
…for time to sit, drink tea and just talk
…for a chance to share about the leading of God, not just man
…for the discovery of a new little tea house:)
…for tea, soup and ice cream
…for the joy of seeing a beloved friend I have missed

God is good.

Crocus smiles


When I see these little flowers stubbornly poking their heads through the snow and dirt, I cannot help but think that warmer weather is on the way.

I am thankful today…

…that Jesus is the King who came in peace to save, not conquer (today is the celebration of His entering into Jerusalem in a donkey)

…for lunch with family at the local cafe

…for taxes being finished:) and CPAs

…for bright flowers

…for hope and love

God is good – happy Palm Sunday.


Ripples in the river


This afternoon I spent close to thirty minutes standing on a bridge over-looking this river as it passed slowly underneath me. I watched as the various currents twisted, turned, slowly changed direction, then finally were absorbed into the slow general flow downstream. What a patient reminder to be thankful….

…for a chance to stand still and just watch
…for deep breaths of clean air
…for the subtle vibrations of the bridge as each car crossed over, slightly jarring my insides, but then returning to peace as each in turn left the other side
…for the bright sunshine caressing my face and hugging my shoulders
…for the gentle breeze stroking my cheek
…for the nearness of my Jesus as He stood with me on the bridge, teaching me to be patient like the river
…for the memory of fishing from the shore with my dad and brothers
…and for a chance, in this frenetic world in which we live  to just BE for a few minutes

God is good.

Signs of spring


Taken from my Mom’s garden, these crocus flowers are the first sign that the long drawn out winter is finally on its way out!

I’m thankful for…
….beautiful colors
…eyes to see the flowers peeking through the mud
…the reminder that God cares for the flowers, and cares MORE for me!

God is good.

Round church


This is a picture of a church in my hometown that was built in a circle (actually an octagon) so that back in the early days of the town they were worried that evil spirits wouldn’t house in the corners. Seeing this reminds me…
~ long walks to the movie store in the rain
~ fishing in the river with my dad and brothers
~ my neighbor got married in this beautiful place a few years ago
~ that life is slow and quiet when you’re small:)

Home sweet home. God is good.

Cold pizza:)


This was my Sunday lunch, an old tradition of my family…thankful for so many things…

~ like Saturday nights with my whole family eating dinner, eating pizza, drinking soda, ice cream, and watching weird TV shows with my dad
~ like Sunday after church where we ate left over pizza, often fighting my brothers for the best pieces:)
~I’m also thankful for the evening out with my Mom where we discovered this amazing gluten-free pizza and went to a beautiful production of Les Miserables

Contented sigh of relief. God is good:)

God’s house


This picture is so full of joy and memories…so many reasons to be thankful…

~ this is the church where I first attended Youth group

~ where my brother was baptized

~ where my dad’s memorial service was held

~ where my brother’s wedding was celebrated
~ where many of my childhood friends have been married
~ where many of my mentors have come from 🙂
~where so many lessons have been learned
~ where God dwells and my soul rests

Praise God for wonderful memories and wonderful people in His house.



Seen in Delhi…this man has a cart of mattresses that he’s hauling around Delhi via a bicycle.

Makes me thankful…
…for sunny days and clear nights with stars
…for wonderful friends to walk around the city with
…for a fantastic church service which preceded this fun picture
…for meeting new people
…for smiles

God is good.